This is the first season (series 100) of It's Sew Easy, a long awaited sewing show. Check with PBS in your area for times and availability. If it's not available please ask for it. More information will be available on You will be able to purchase the entire series.
I was fortunate to be invited to do a segment (#104), so I believe that means "week four". I'll have more info soon. The segments carry a myriad of projects for all sewing levels and interests.
The segment above is a promo and gives you an idea of what it is like. In the intro, there is a quick shot of me....thank goodness I had a good hair day! After all, I was in snowy Cleveland, Ohio and my hair is used to blasts of Florida humidity. On the other hand, the hotel had great complimentary cookies. When you see a shot with three dress garments dressed in wearable art Kimono....they're mine!
I'll add more info soon....